Program ini untuk Kaspersky 2011 v11.0.2.556 dan PURE v9.1.0.124. Fungsi dari software Ini untuk me-reset kaspersky menjadi trial kembali, It was testedon WinXP/Vista x86 and Win7 x64. Ini mungkin tidak bekerja dengan versi yang lebih baru atau lebih Kaspersky. This program requires WinXP/Vista/7 and the Net Framework 3.0.
Cara Instal Kaspersky 2011 Trial Reset v1.6a :
- Nonaktifkan Self-Defense Kaspersky dalam pengaturan/settings.
- Exit Kaspersky by using the tray icon.
- Start ganjin_ktr_2011.exe and press the [Reset] button.
- Tunggu Kaspersky untuk memulai dan mengaktifkan versi trial.
OPTIONALLY: Use the settings menu to disable the trial notifications.
Changelog :
.Version 1.6a - 04-01-2011 - (1.60)
- ADD - New Settings form
- ADD - New Settings button
- ADD - "Re-Enable Self Defense" is now optionally
- ADD - Automated Kaspersky launch is now optionally
- ADD - *Option to disable the Trial Notifications
- ADD - Option to disable the KSN Feedback
- ADD - Option to exit the program after its done resetting
- CHG - Removed nagscreen remover (now handled different, read above*)
- CHG - Removed the nagscreen button
- CHG - Increased the size of the controlbar buttons
- CHG - Simplified background style
- CHG - Reduced Status Detection interval
- CHG - Minor changes
- IMP - Cleaned up startup event
- IMP - Reset method on all systems (may be slower but safer)
- IMP - Stopped version detection refresh (not needed)
- IMP - Self-Defense detection when there is no self-d. to detect
- IMP - Version detection when there is no version to detect
- IMP - Reset button is now disabled if no Kaspersky is installed
- FIX - Titlebar not displaying correctly on some systems
- FIX - Mainform not showing up when Kaspersky is just exiting
- FIX - Bug that does not detect when no Kaspersky is installed
- FIX - Minor bugs
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